9 Common Cat Noises And Their Meaning

angry cat, common cat noises and thir meaning

Do you believe your feline’s howls, screeches, growling, and purrs are simply whooshing sounds? Here’s some common cat noises and their meaning to help you understand your beloved cats.

Do Cats Laugh and Cry?

smiling cat, do cats laugh and cry

Do cats laugh or cry? Cats may be pleased and sad for various reasons, but they are unable to cry or laugh. You will get to know everything about felines’ sadness and laugh in this article

How Do Cats Communicate To Each Other?

how do cats communicate to each other

Felines are naturally sociable and regularly communicate with their masters, particularly when treats or games are involved. However, how do felines interact with one another? Do they talk to them in a similar way as they talk to you? Felines, like people, express emotions in a variety of ways. They communicate verbally and also through body language and biological clues. Not every communication could be as clear as a meow. Some types of …

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Cat Sneezing A Lot: Why, Should I Worry?

cat sneezing

Picture this scenario: you’re lying in your bed, reading your book. As usual, your adorable kitty is there with you lying by your side. She unexpectedly started sneezing, one after another. It could be funny to watch her if it’s simply a one-time event. The majority of the time, there’s no need to be concerned because it’s natural for people to sneeze twice or thrice sometimes. However, if this incident occurs multiple times, it …

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How Do Cats Survive The Winter?

How do cats survive the winter? Cats are unlikely to fall victim to the consequences of freezing climates since they are skilled at taking shelter (and since they can squeeze into a compact, enclosed location). Even so, sub-zero temperatures can create major medical problems such as frostbite and hypothermia, and both of them can be fatal. Read on this article to know what temperatures a cat can survive and how you can keep them warm.

My Cat Is Keeping Me Up All Night

my cat is keeping me up

A night of deep, undisturbed sleep is important for your health, and therefore should not be interrupted by anything or anyone, including your cat. However, cats have different sleep cycles than humans and other animals. This is because cats are crepuscular, which means that they are more active and busier in the evening or early morning. If you are constantly woken up by your cat by playing on the bed, …

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