Why is My Cat Hiding and Not Eating?

Cats are among the cutest creatures due to their distinctive traits and endearing behaviors. However, one adorable behavior occurs when your cat initiates a hide-and-seek game. But, when your cat is lurking, you may wonder, “Why is she hiding and refusing to eat anything all of a sudden?”

Why is my cat hiding and not eating? When stressed, anxious, or afraid, cats hide and avoid consuming. They would also conceal if their behavior or environment undergoes an abrupt shift. It might frequently result in a loss of appetite.

Let’s talk about your cat’s hiding behavior and a few other connected issues that you should be careful about.

Your cat hides and doesn’t eat: reasons

The main reasons why your kitty companion is lurking and not consuming are listed below. Experts advise that you speak with a veterinarian if this pattern continues for a very long period.

cat hiding and not eating
Image credit: Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Your cat could be undergoing disease or pain 

It may be obvious that your cat has an undiagnosed ailment if she constantly conceals and refuses to consume. Since your four-legged buddy dislikes showing her discomfort, she tends to hide. Your kitty companion can have osteoarthritis, a severe cold, or another medical problem.

Your cat would begin to hide and stop eating as a result of these illnesses, which also cause unexplained weight loss. If your cat exhibits this unexpected habit, you should seek medical advice right away to identify any illnesses.

Your cat’s daily schedule has been changed

Cats appreciate routines. On a daily level, they desire everything to be the same. As a result, you may anticipate that your cat may act out, attempt to delay eating, and seek cover if her schedule is altered in any way.

A visit to the veterinarian, an unexpected visitor staying at your house, and other such situations are examples of everyday changes.

Most of the cases, if you’ve driven with your cat, she won’t consume for a while since cats don’t like driving. Few cat owners mention that their animals experience motion sickness following a car journey.

Your cat is experiencing stress and depression

Cats are actually quite sensitive, despite their rough exterior. Any negative event, no matter how tiny, might make your pet stressed out and anxious.

Your cat would become stressed out by little behaviors, even if you don’t even realize it. For example, even bringing your buddies over for a casual dinner or arriving late from the office due to excessive work will bother your cat.

Occasionally, introducing a new animal home might make your cat feel more anxious. Your cat would hide in this situation and refrain from eating.

Therefore, if you notice this attitude in your cat, keep an eye out for anything that could have caused extreme anxiety in her, and attempt to reassure and soothe her.

If the problem is stress-related, you can take into account that disappearing and not consuming are temporary problems. You should speak with a veterinarian if your cat keeps acting in this way without stopping.

cat hiding and not eating
Image credit: rihaij from Pixabay

Your cat hates the current meal

Cats with their well-known temper outbursts! This is an important aspect that you can not miss. Your cat undoubtedly doesn’t enjoy the feed you give her because of which she hides at feeding times.

Additionally, you should anticipate that this activity will offer a new meal to your kitty companion. If that’s the scenario, you must consistently encourage your cat to explore different foods while being patient.

To ensure this exercise turns out effective, you may also employ a compensation plan. If your cat consumes her new diet, reward her with a snack!

The food dish is not in a suitable place

Cats may be finicky. Therefore, if their feeding dish is placed next to their litter container, do not anticipate them to eat. And besides, the value of cleanliness also applies to their meals.

Please remember that wherever you position the feeding dish would have a big influence on how many temper outbursts your pet can have while consuming.

Therefore, be careful to maintain the feeding dish in the right location, far from any areas that could cause loud sounds and from the trash.

Your cat is frightened

Cats might get afraid for a variety of causes. Your cat will be more than sufficiently alarmed by the noise of a new washing machine motor or a straightforward furniture repair.

A frightened cat would attempt to ignore these sounds or the origin of her fear and would eventually hide. It has an effect on her hunger as well, and a terrified cat would not consume until it has relaxed a bit.

Your cat can also get scared when you have loud music on or have a social gathering with speakers on full blast. You should avoid creating a noisy atmosphere for your cat, or else she could develop anxiety issues. These anxiety issues can then become a problem if not addressed immediately.

Is it okay if your cat does not eat and keeps on hiding?

If their surroundings change, it’s common for cats to disappear and reduce their hunger. Therefore, if you recently got a cat, you should anticipate that it will first conceal after moving into your house.

If your animal buddy has a record of anxiety or depression, she could also conceal it. Your cat would probably hide and stop eating if it’s anxious and agitated.

You must act in such a situation with the proper attention and tolerance while also giving your cat security and peace.

Invest plenty of time enjoying with your kitty buddy, give her new games and snacks she enjoys, and your pet might eventually begin to appreciate you, quit hiding, plus consume a nutritious diet.

Why is your cat trying to hide?

Cats are clever animals, but they rarely readily display their suffering. Therefore, it is very likely that your cat is in discomfort or otherwise not doing well if she immediately starts to hide.

Your cat might have a fever or be experiencing arthritis-related aches and pains. If you look carefully, you may notice your cat hobbling in this situation. If your cat has a chronic condition like renal disease, she can also conceal and lose her hunger.

Therefore, you shouldn’t delay any further and immediately seek emergency medical attention if your cat suddenly begins to hide and exhibits this pattern over an extended period of time. By acting quickly, you may stop the beginning of a medical illness.

How many days can a cat survive without eating anything?

You may anticipate your cat to conceal for a total of one or two days if she is disappearing for causes other than severe sickness. Your cat will inevitably emerge from concealment to consume or drink water since she will get both hungry as well as thirsty.

A cat is able to survive without eating or drinking water for one or two days, according to typical data, thus that is why they will come out eventually.

Theoretically, many kittens may go up to 2 weeks without ingesting any nourishment as long as they drink plenty of water. Although if they do have access to clean drinking water, kitties typically could only live without a decent dietary peptide for three to five days.

How can you serve a cat that is hiding?

If your cat is lurking, you must provide nourishment and water close to the area. Ensure your creatures will not be in the area if you have several.

Motivate your cat to consume the meal as soon as she emerges from concealment. It will be beneficial if you feed her alone, away from other animals.

Additionally, you may try wiping your cat’s nose, as kitties occasionally have colds and coughs. She could improve her ability to scent by cleaning the fluid out of her nostrils. By doing this, you’ll get your cat to consume the kibble.

You might even try serving your kitty companion with your fingers if you’re persistent and tolerant enough. Your cat may be more likely to consume her feed because she loves you.

Final Thought

Having an eye on your cat’s lurking and feeding habits is crucial. Despite the fact that they prefer to conceal rather a bit, this is frequently an indication of serious sickness.

It will be beneficial if you made sure your cat rarely goes without a meal or drinking water and that everything was set up for them close to where they like to hide.

If your cat suddenly loses its hunger, you need to be on the lookout and get them to the doctor as soon as possible. The veterinarian may recommend the required drugs to boost the animal’s hunger and check for any root illnesses.

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