Whipped cream is a dairy product commonly used as a topping for various drinks, including hot chocolate, frappes, lattes, and more. They are also used in desserts, on top of pies or ice creams, and can be eaten as it is. Because they are delicious and readily available, many cat owners wonder if it is safe for their cats to eat whipped cream.
Can cats have whipped cream? If you’re one of those cat owners, read on to find out if cats can eat whipped cream, is it safe or bad for them, and the effects of whipped cream on a cat’s overall health.
Can cats have whipped cream?
Technically speaking, cats can eat whipped cream. However, the better question is whether whipped cream is safe for cats. The answer is no. While healthy cats can occasionally eat very little amount of whipped cream, it is still not recommended that they eat one because whipped cream contains ingredients and chemicals that may be dangerous to a cat’s health. In short, cats can eat whipped cream, but they should not because it does more harm than good to their bodies.

Do cats like whipped cream?
Whipped cream is not included in the foods that cats like nor despise. This means that the cat’s likeness to whipped cream will depend on his own preference.
If your cat is healthy, which means that he does not suffer from lactose intolerance and other similar conditions, you can try giving him a small amount of whipped cream to know whether he likes it or not. However, knowing if your cat likes whipped cream or not will not make a significant difference because it is still not recommended that they consume whipped cream.
Why shouldn’t cats eat whipped cream?
To further explain why whipped cream is not recommended for a cat’s consumption, our feline friends cannot take dairy products well. In fact, most cats are lactose intolerant and may suffer from adverse effects after eating dairy products, including whipped cream. In addition, whipped cream also contains sweeteners that can alter your cat’s blood sugar. In the long run, this can result in obesity and diabetes.

Below are some potential reasons why cats shouldn’t eat whipped cream:
1. Whipped cream contains lactose
Whipped cream is, indeed, made of cream. And as we may all know, cream, milk, and other dairy products contain lactose which our feline friend’s stomach cannot process well. This is because a specific enzyme called lactase is needed to break down the lactose. However, unlike humans, cats cannot create enough lactase. This means that they are not capable of digesting dairy foods. And, if a cat takes in too much lactose, it will start to ferment in their stomach, leading to bloating, diarrhea, and upset stomach.
You’re probably thinking: what about kittens? Don’t they only drink milk from their mother? Well, since kittens can only consume milk, their bodies can produce enzyme lactase to digest the lactose in their mother’s milk. However, as they start to wean off, their bodies stop producing lactase because they no longer need it. This means that cats are not lactose intolerant at a young age. However, as they grow old, they become intolerant to lactose.
2. Whipped cream is packed with calories
As mentioned earlier, whipped cream contains sugar, and sugar contains high calories. Not only that, but whipped cream also carries fat. While fats are not as bad as sugar to cats, they still contain extra calories.
Why do calories even matter, anyway? Well, suppose your cat consumes more calories than usual. In that case, he may quickly gain weight, leading to obesity and the development of more severe problems, such as diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer.
3. Whipped cream has nitrous oxide on it
Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a propellant in whipped cream. If you’re buying whipped cream in a can, it indeed contains nitrous oxide. For humans, this can cause dizziness and impaired coordination. The effect can be the same for cats, but since they are significantly smaller in size compared to humans, it will only take less nitrous oxide before the side effects occur.
Although there is a small chance that your cat would take enough nitrous oxide from whipped cream, you should still consider the fact that your cat doesn’t need this in the first place.
4. Whipped cream contains high levels of sugar
Aside from the cream, there are other components of whipped cream that may be harmful to your cat’s body, including sugar. However, unlike humans, cats do not have the receptors that detect sugar, which means that they cannot taste sweet. After all, they do not need sugar in their bodies because macronutrients, such as fats and protein, will be more beneficial for them.
With that said, feeding whipped cream to your cat may cause his blood sugar level to rise. This can be fatal, especially if your cat is already suffering from diabetes.
5. Whipped cream has carrageenan on it
Most store-bought whipped creams contain carrageenan – an ingredient that is responsible for regulating the texture of the food. Carrageenan helps maintain its creaminess and smoothness without separating for the whipped cream. However, carrageenan is a carcinogen, which means that it can develop cancer if consumed excessively. Unfortunately, carrageenan is found in some pet foods, although there has been a move to eliminate it.
What happens if my cat accidentally eats whipped cream?
Cats are stealthy animals. They will sneak up to the counter or dining table and consume human food that they should not eat most of the time. If your cat accidentally eats a small amount of whipped cream, it will result in more gas than usual. After hours, your cat will be back to normal.
However, if your cat ate a considerable portion of whipped cream and is displaying adverse effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea, have him checked by the veterinarian immediately for proper medication.
Can cats eat puppucino?
Puppucino is like a small whipped cream cup designed for dogs’ consumption. Your feline friend can eat puppucino safely so long as given on rare occasions only.
Are there benefits of giving whipped cream to cats?
As mentioned, cats do not taste sugar and will not appreciate the sweetness that whipped cream provides. When it comes to nutritional value, this dairy product does not also contain specific chemicals that are highly beneficial to cats. Therefore, whipped cream does not provide any benefits to cats.
Read also:
– Can cats eat raw fish?
Final Thought
Small amounts of whipped cream on rare occasions will not be hazardous for a healthy cat. However, it does not mean that they should eat whipped cream. There are healthier and safer alternatives you can give to your cat as a gift, a treat, or a reward for his good behavior. It is best to stick with foods specifically created for felines instead of giving them human foods that can damage their health.