How To Help Your Cats Feel Comfortable In A New Home

Relocating is perhaps among the most stressful events in anyone’s life, including both people and cats. Felines hate changes, which may make the relocating day even more traumatic for everyone.

It normally takes 2 to 5 days for your feline to acclimate to a new environment. It is based on your feline’s temperament as well as the atmosphere you create.

Whenever the time comes to load up the necessities and relocate, there are certain things you can do to make the relocation smoother for your cat. The idea is to maintain them relaxed and in a happier state. It would keep your cat from making disturbances, meowing, being aggressive, or attempting to flee.

This article provides information on how long it would take your feline to acclimatize to a different environment and what you may do to help it.

Relocating with cats: How to prepare your new house?

1. Choose one room for your cat to settle in

Make a foundation for your feline in one of the rooms in your different home. This area must preferably be a guest space or a bedroom that isn’t very crowded and does not have availability to a pet door. If your feline is a bit hesitant, they might want a peaceful area where you could come and cuddle with them after a few times as they get adjusted to their new home.

Many outgoing and sociable cats may feel at ease in the lounge space if they love being around humans, but they would still want time and personal space in a new location to ensure that their atmosphere is secure and to figure out exactly where things they require are located.

2. Give your cat places to hide

Offering a lot of hiding spots is essential for a feline’s adjustment to new surroundings. These hiding spots may be found beneath a mattress, within a closet, or even within shoeboxes that you could arrange around the house.

How To Help Your Cats Feel Comfortable In A New Home
Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

It’s a wonderful suggestion to use feline beds, huts, and sheets to create a nice, comfortable, and quiet hiding spot. It’s better to let a feline alone when it moves to its hideaways. They’ve probably headed there to stay calm and more comfortable.

3. Set up your cat’s room with everything they need

Attempt to have all of your feline’s necessities (also known as “resources”) acquired and/or in position when they reach. The litter container for your feline should be positioned on the side of the bedroom, far from the entrance, meal station, water, bedding, and hiding areas. Food and water dishes must be kept apart but in easily accessible areas of the ‘hidden spots,’ you’ve built throughout the room.

A tall, hard clawing pole will keep your feline’s nails healthy and allow them to release familiar odors from ducts in their toes to aid in their acclimatization. You may put items in the shifting-in area, but only ones that your feline may effectively play with while you are away. For instance, a little plastic mouse instead of a fishing stick game with a hook attached.

4. Make the room comfy and safe

To guarantee that your feline’s bedroom (and the other part of the home while they can get there) is secure and harmless, execute a ‘cat proofing’ inspection. This could involve storing cleaning supplies, sanitizers, prescriptions, and any crafting or decoration supplies. You must also investigate to determine if any of your houseplants or flowers are harmful to your feline.

How To Help Your Cats Feel Comfortable In A New Home
Image credit: Veronica Kaiser from Pixabay

Your kitten would also require a nice and cozy sleeping area. You may either offer her feline beds or modify basic cartons with fluffy bedding or blankets and cover them with materials. Some felines like higher, elevated beds and sleeping spaces so they could watch what’s happening around them while being comfortable and protected. Provide your feline with a variety of heights, and make sure to remove any items from the house’s top shelves!

5. Make sure the whole house is escape-proof

Your feline would be unfamiliar with your house during the initial few days and might be terrified. Your feline’s natural impulse would be to evacuate, so sometimes if a balcony or entrance is just half-open, they could run outside. However if you are convinced that your feline is comfortable is not going to run away, all ports and main and rear doors should be tightly shut.

Any feline flaps or fireplaces should be closed to prevent your feline from escaping their bedroom when they initially arrive. Everybody in the family must be aware that there would be certain specific regulations in a home in the initial few days/months, and all family members must be aware of where your pet is.

Transporting your cat to a new home

If you’re bringing your feline home, ensure you own an appropriate carrier for them to travel in. The perfect carrier is durable, compact, safe, and simple to maintain. Carriers that can open from the roof and front are great since you can put your feline in it much easier.

Put a warm cushion on the floor of the carrier for coziness, a silicone lining below, and a sheet or mat all over the carrier so that your pet can not see outside.

Preventing cats from returning to their old home

If your new place is just some blocks or a few miles away from your last house, your feline might come across old pathways while wandering in the neighborhood and go ‘home’ via these paths. If something like this happens, it signifies they have still not formed a strong connection with their new place to overcome previous behaviors.

How To Help Your Cats Feel Comfortable In A New Home
Image credit: Gosia K. from Pixabay

The new owners of your former property unintentionally allow some pets to stay. They could offer food, and they might be pleased by this odd feline’s bold entry via the pet door and eagerness to make themselves comfortable in their old environment.

If you’re not going far, it’s a good idea to tell the future owners that this might be possible, and to ensure they don’t invite your pet to stay there — request them to contact you because you could go pick up the feline. But, if the problems continue, you might consider the following steps:

  • Keep your feline inside for roughly a month when moving to a new home.
  • Feed light, regular meals, and give plenty of care to help strengthen your relationship. Develop some daily dietary time rituals and cues that your feline won’t be able to ignore. You may entice your feline to come back to your new home during mealtimes — delicious treats can be a powerful motivator!
  • Help your feline feel more comfortable by assisting in the furnishing of your current apartment with your feline’s fragrance.

Allow your feline to go outside once per day, sometime before mealtime, during the first several weeks to encourage him to stay indoors. The goal is to set up your new house that smells safe and provides food and housing. It might take several weeks, if not months until your feline is allowed to go outside unsupervised.

The first day your cat is home

Once you get home, put the carrier in your feline’s bedroom, preferably near its hiding spots, and shut the door. Carefully unlock the carriage and let them get out and wander at their natural speed. Avoid tilting them out from the cage or forcing them outside if they don’t want to get out. Your feline may immediately come rushing, inspect the room, take shelter, or even attack you. Let them choose what they want to do to explore their new environment.

Since felines are territorial creatures, it is totally natural for them to examine their environment before approaching you! You may enjoy some peaceful moments with them in their resting area (for example, cuddling them or reading a novel), although if they stay concealed, they may want to stay alone for some time. Since not all felines respond to human interaction in the same way, it’s best if you let your feline come to you instead of the other way around. Patience is essential in the beginning phases since some felines would need several weeks to adjust to their new surroundings.

Give your feline a dish of freshwater as well as regular meals. Don’t be concerned if your feline doesn’t consume the shifting day; it’s common, especially if your feline is nervous. If you notice your feline howling in their bedroom the first several nights, you should not go to them to give them a treat or to check them. If you ever do, they could realize that howling at nighttime offers them treats or some other compensation and it could become a routine. If this occurs, it normally happens just for the initial 1 or 2 two nights. It’s advisable not to socialize your feline to any new pets in the residence for the initial days.

Read also:

How to make cats comfortable when traveling with car?

How to relieve cat’s stress and anxiety?

Settling your cat in their new home

1. Give your cat time and space

If your feline appears comfortable, secure, and eager to wander after a few days, you may allow them outside from their bedroom (avoid socializing them to kids or other animals.)

Before introducing your feline to everyone else, give her space to adjust inside and feel secure, so ensure to make the number of guests to a minimum in the initial days. Allowing your feline to explore your house one bedroom at the moment, coming to their ‘quit room’ at nighttime, might well be simpler for them. You might think this technique to be simple and effortless, but they would eventually get comfortable and walk freely all across the house.

2. Let your cat fully settle before letting them outside

You might be inclined to let your feline outdoors relatively soon, but it’s best to wait at least 2 – 3 weeks or near about 4 to 6 weeks without exposing them to a far more different view outside. If your feline seems anxious and is regularly walking, clawing, or snuffling at the rear entrance, call your vet for more guidance on the ideal time to allow your feline to go outside.

How To Help Your Cats Feel Comfortable In A New Home
Image Credit: g3gg0 from Pixabay

3. Interact with your cat on their terms

When socializing with your feline, or any kitty for that matter, make sure to let them decide how they wish to connect with you. Allowing them to initiate any interaction with you, for instance, is always a good idea. Felines want to be in charge, so the ideal strategy is to communicate with them respectfully and on her grounds. It would not prevent you from offering love to a feline that asks for it, but it may prevent you from getting overloading your feline or making them seem worried or afraid.

Final Thought

It’s extremely important to make your feline feel more relaxed in a new house, and it’s best to take it slowly than to push them into such a position wherever they do not really feel secure. Your feline will be back on track in no time, and she’ll probably be anxious to explore her new world.

Offer her much care, particularly soon after the relocation, to ensure that she is as comfortable as possible in her new place. Keep her on a similar eating schedule as well, since this will help her feel more at ease in an unusual place. Allow them to explore their new apartment by piquing their interest with strategically positioned toys and scratch poles and position a cat tower beside a window so she could enjoy a great view outside the home.

References and Further Reading

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