Why Does My Cat Vomiting?

why cat vomiting; cat eating

Throwing up on a regular basis or repeatedly is not healthy for your pet. It might signal that your feline has consumed a harmful substance or is suffering from a severe disease. You should take your pet to the vet if she vomits more than one time a week, sometimes every two weeks.

Reasons Why Your Cat Is Losing Hair

Some hair loss can be accompanied by redness, scabs, irritation, or bumps, while others may appear normal. If your car is losing hair, read on to find out the possible reasons behind it. Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive. Therefore, it is still best to check with your veterinarian to ensure your cat’s health.

Why Does My Cat Bite Me Gently?

cat bite

Generally, it is not something to be concerned about. But if your cat suddenly started to bite a lot and particularly when you try to touch it, then that may be a sign of a medical condition.

Why Do Cats Bite Their Nails?

cat's nails

Cats bite their nails as part of their grooming habit. After all, they are one of those animals who are capable of keeping themselves clean. However, excessive chewing and biting of nails may also indicate underlying health issues.
Read on to find out why cats bite their nails and when you should be concerned.

Why Does My Cat Drooling All of A Sudden?

cat drooling

There can be a few different reasons for a cat to drool. It is not necessarily a sign of a medical condition, especially if the drooling is occasional and your cat is behaving normally otherwise.

Facts You Need To Know About Cat’s Vision

cat eyes cat's vision

Cats are fascinating and adorable creatures. They also have a remarkable sense of sight. Studies have shown that they have better vision than the human eyes, especially at night. In this post, you will find secrets behind cat’s vision

Why Does My Cat Follow Me Around?

why does my cat follow me around

Why Does My Cat Follow Me Around?
So you’ve been walking around your house lately and have noticed that your cat has been following you around everywhere.
Being the independent creatures that they are, this behavior seems really out of place for most owners. They do not understand why their pet cats are just following them around everywhere, even the bathroom at times!
But do not fret! There are explanations for this behavior, and in this article, I will be going over 9 reasons why your cat may be following you around.

Understanding the Body Language of Cats

body language of cats

When it comes to an understanding and respecting your feline friend, not much can offer greater insight than their body language. From flattened ears to dilated pupils, each movement and response made by a cat is indicative of how they are responding to a particular situation at any given time. Every blink, twitch, and shift your cat makes is an important message they’re trying to convey. While cats are vocal …

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Why Do Cats Wag Their Tails?

cats wag their tails

As a cat owner, you probably already know that cats communicate a lot through body language. In fact, cats only meow at us because they understand that it is the easiest way to get our attention. In the wild, cats only meow as kittens, and once they grow up, they don’t meow nearly as much as they once did. Cats will primarily communicate through body language, and it is important as …

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