10 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds For People With Allergies

If you’re allergic to felines, you might just have lost any chance of ever keeping one as a pet. Some folks discover that just being around a feline causes irritated eyes and coughing. However, did you realize that there can be hypoallergenic cat breeds that may not trigger your intolerances?

It’s necessary to remember there really is no such way as a fully hypoallergenic cat breed, due to the fact that there is no such animal as a normal sensitive human! Because various individuals are sensitive to diverse things, certain felines that irritate your sensitivities might not always irritate others.

Some feline breeds, on the other hand, cause fewer allergic responses in individuals and could be ideal for allergy sufferers. Continue reading to learn more about the primary triggers of allergy responses and to see whether any of the above hypoallergenic cat species are right for you.

1. Balinese

The Balinese, often called the long-haired Siamese, is recognized for being intelligent, flexible, and outgoing — but still not overwhelming. The Balinese are considered to have evolved as an outcome of a genetic abnormality that occurred whenever a Siamese feline gave birth to long-haired offspring.

Although the species has no Balinese ancestors or background, breeders believed the long-haired felines had the same amount of elegance as Balinese ritual performers. The first Balinese arrived by coincidence in the mid-1950s and were purposefully cultivated in the mid-1960s before becoming acknowledged in 1961.

hypoallergenic cat breeds
Image credit: Mary Desmond

These felines get along great with various felines and kids, and they enjoy a healthy mix of sport and rest. Balinese felines are thought to have a lower concentration of the Fel d 1 protein, allowing them ideal for allergy sufferers. Furthermore, given their lengthy coats, these felines do not shed much and need little care. The strongly connected Javanese feline appears to cause fewer allergy reactions.

2. Siberian

The Siberian feline is also called the Russian Semi-Longhair or perhaps the Siberian Woods. Apart from the feline’s birthplace, nothing is available about the animal’s history. Siberians, just like Balinese, are considered to contain too little of the Fel d 1 nutrients than other feline species. Siberians are large felines that include a variety of coloring. The triple layer on these felines could be managed with occasional grooming.

Siberian felines shed periodically and combing them every day can help maintain their fur clean, particularly the undercoat, and reduce allergies. This poofy feline, which originated in Russian woods, has been present since then at about the year 1000, yet it was not introduced to the United States before 1990.

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Image credit: Mona Magnussen from Unsplash

These felines have a smart and observant nature; they enjoy learning and figuring stuff out just for them. They are kind to kids, other animals, and guests, and like being watched. They are sturdy and robust, and they like being around outside. Their sweet personalities and lively, yet loving behaviors make these felines a great option for a pet, also with their beautiful, puffy appearance, most folks consider them absolutely fascinating.

3. Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental is a hybrid of the American purebred, Abyssinian, and Siamese feline species. Even if the Oriental type is available in both shorthair and longhair varieties, Oriental Shorthairs are preferred by feline allergic people because of their shorter locks. British keepers in the early 1900s desired a technique to distinguish between Siamese having colorpoints as well as those having solid coloration. Solid-colored foreign shorthairs were officially named Oriental Shorthair, as well as the species was eventually renamed.

These felines have smooth, low-shedding hair that is easily maintained. Grooming on a frequent basis could help reduce shedding and keep the hair clean and neat. Using a wet towel to clean loose hair and pollen could also assist to decrease allergies.

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Image credit: Tania Van den Berghen from Pixabay

Oriental Shorthairs are recognized for being sociable, conversational, and energetic. These gregarious felines would require training or activities to retain them engaged. Oriental Shorthairs like forming tight bonds with relatives or some other animal that could catch pace with their high activity levels. It is possible to teach them to stroll on a harness! However, felines may be rebellious, and they want similar levels of loyalty from their family as you would.

4. Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats have delicate, thin fur and shed very little than most feline species. Because of its curly hair, it does not really shed much, limiting the transmission of pollen and other allergies in your house. You may thoroughly clean this feline’s hair to disperse the essential oils as well as maintain it tidy; however, the Devon Rex doesn’t need much maintenance since the fragile fur could be further damaged.

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Image credit: Kulli Kittus from Unsplash

These felines have a huge amount of energy and enjoy putting it to good use. They like participating in everything you’re working on and are recognized for purring softly when they’re delighted. Devon Rexes are indeed known to be a bit naughty, so watch them closely to be certain they don’t get themselves into any harm.

5. Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex, much like Balinese, is the outcome of a biological abnormality, so it’s nonetheless an unusual feline breed. Cornish Rexes possess short, wavy fur that hugs their body. These small, lightweight hairs, like the Devon Rex, shed very little, leaving them more bearable to allergy sufferers. It’s since it just has an inner cover and lacks the primary or double hair found in most cat species.

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Image credit: Lili from Unsplash

Nevertheless, the Cornish Rex’s epidermis develops oil accumulation, demanding regular washing. The egg-shaped skull, massive whiskers, and elongated limbs of this feline provide it a unique, nearly distant look.

These felines are entertaining, lively, and like playing. The species is active, athletic, and likes to be lifted up, contrary to most felines. Cornish Rex felines love affection and would chase you everywhere from area to area.

6. Javanese

Javanese resemble Siamese-like felines that are noisy. They are a hybrid among a Balinese and a Colorpoint domestic longhair. These talkative felines may respond when called upon or begin communicating for no obvious cause. This feline has longer hair and a greater variety of colors. The Javanese, like a Siamese species, should be highly friendly and attached to their human community. It would follow you everywhere in the home while you work, and she might express herself softly. This loving species may willingly snuggle in your lap, sleep on your couch, and curl up with someone at bedtime.

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Image credit: Eugene Proskouriakov from Pexels

Javanese felines are intelligent and agile, with exceptional jumping skills and a penchant for investigating closets and compartments when given the opportunity. These kitties have no overcoat and have brief, low-maintenance hairs.

The Javanese feline species is regarded as being among the least shedding, and frequent grooming may help reduce allergies. Because these kitties lack under hair, they do not even shed often and only require to be brushed once a week. As a result, they transmit fewer antigens, which may be beneficial to those who have minor feline allergies.

Read also: Is it safe to have cats around babies?

7. Sphynx

Because of its lack of fur, the bald Sphynx is among the first feline species that people with allergies dream of, but these kitties are just not as sensitive as you might expect. It’s not necessarily a set rule, since allergic patients respond to the polypeptide Fel d1 present in drool and perspiration, rather than the real fur. Sphynx, like other felines, produces dust, although it may be reduced by washing them frequently, which further reduces the risk of oil accumulation on their body.

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Image credit: Dustin Humes from Unsplash

The very first Sphynx was conceived as a bald kitty to a regular household female in 1966 in Ontario. The resultant breed requires a great deal of maintenance, especially frequent epidermis greasing, but it is rewarded with a wealth of affection and devotion, as well as getting together with all close relatives. This feline is as soft as other species, and its coat has been compared to velvet or calfskin.

Sphynx felines are extroverted, sociable, and a little naughty. This species is clever, inquisitive, and enjoys being the star of the show. These felines would gladly accompany you everywhere, displaying dog-like affection and commitment.

8. Burmese

The Burmese, who get their title from Burma, were initially imported to the United States in the early 1900s. Some felt the Burmese were really a dusky Siamese, while some claimed it was a different species. The initial feline, known as Wong Mau, was raised by many fanciers to define its type.

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Image credit: Adina Voicu from Pixabay

The Burmese were eventually identified as a mix among the Siamese as well as a dark-coated household species. The Burmese feline is a lively, chatty, and occasionally obstinate feline who enjoys spending time with youngsters, other felines, and canines. These kitties are intelligent and like exploring; they will not appreciate being left behind unattended, particularly if there is nothing to cheer them up.

Burmese felines have thin, smooth coats, and while they don’t shed as little as many of the other species on this checklist, they’re already on the downside of the hair loss scale. These felines require little care, although frequent stroking, like that of several other felines, may help maintain their fur glossy and tidy.

9. Ocicat

The Ocicat is a feral feline that was developed in the 1950s from Malian and Siamese domesticated animals. Because the emerging animal’s fur appears very much similar to an ocelot stray feline, it was given the title Ocicat. The Ocicat is really a sporty, high-energy, and extremely intelligent species that looks like a perfect replica of an Ocelot. These felines may be somewhat needy; they’re talkative and extroverted, and they like to interact and be energetic with their owners.

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Image credit: anonymous

Despite all the different feline species, certain Ocicats aren’t afraid of water and might like swimming. These felines enjoy having companionship and having additional feline or canine to keep them occupied. Ocicats are limited-shedders, although employing a cleaning towel to eliminate loose hair on a weekly basis might be beneficial.

10. Russian Blue

The Russian blue is a calm feline species that has been shown to be excellent for those having minor feline sensitivities. Russian Blues are calm, friendly, and pleased to enjoy a peaceful time when with their family, as seen by their fur shade. These kitties are flexible, kind, and occasionally shy. Russian Blues are exceptionally clever and can create extremely deep ties with their humans, following them about the house and round out to the water!

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Image credit: spartacusandmarie from Pixabay

Mariners used to transport them on their travels, and that is how they became known in other areas. This feline is said to have evolved in Russia’s eastern countryside and emits elegance and charm with its sculpted physique, piercing emerald eyes, and conical face.

Russian Blues possess a sleek, thick coat that sheds slightly more than most of the other species on this database, so she might not have been the greatest pick if you suffer from severe sensitivities. It creates very little of the enzyme Fel d1, which has been linked to allergy responses in pets. But, these kitties’ hair is usually well-kept, and frequent combing may help reduce shedding and allergies.

In truth, these peaceful and sensitive felines are like being stroked by their beloved people. The Russian Blue is regarded as among the most hypoallergenic feline species for most of these qualities. The Russian Blue is clever and enjoys playing (it would even “hunt”), as well as being kind and loyal to its owners.

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If you or somebody in your household suffers from sensitivities, researching feline species having low shedding and maintenance requirements — one’s experts label hypoallergenic – is a good place to begin. While concluding everything, though, all felines are unique, and it’s hard to predict whether a particular species or feline would elicit a response.

As a result, talking to producers, doctors, and perhaps other specialists for further facts and expertise into your personal circumstances might be beneficial when deciding which feline is appropriate for you.

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