We sometimes use the phrase “cats live life to the fullest,” yet everyone who has a feline can relate to situations that bring that phrase into a question. How many of you have locked your feline in her cage and then unlocked the way many hours later to see her create a beeline toward where she was eating her rubber feline treat?
What about all those tales of felines going missing and then returning their way around seasons? Or the ability of canines who hide their great sticks from the wild in the garden to find them months later? These kinds of instances imply that cats may build long-term memories as well as short-term ones.
Do cats have long-term memory? A feline’s short-term memory should last approximately 16 hours (if your feline believes it’s necessary to recall anything), and her long-term memory is everlasting. Finding out all about a feline’s typical brain capacity and mental skills will assist you in finding the information you need.
What is short-term memory in a feline?
A feline’s short-term memory often referred to as active remembrance, is something your feline utilizes on a regular basis and is important for everyday communication and keeping awake. Active memory helps your feline with fundamental problem resolution and preservation by storing knowledge that is directly applicable and likely to be extremely generic.
According to popular belief, a feline’s typical short-term memory span is 16 hours. This indicates that a feline may recall you after 16 hours even if you haven’t met before. This is far higher than creatures’ usual short-term brain capacity, estimated to be 27 milliseconds in a 2014 research.
Felines appear only to remember useful or significant things, as evidenced by a 2007 research in which felines’ leg motions were tracked in conjunction with detecting obstacles. It was discovered that felines’ short-term memory lasted up to 24 hours in certain situations.

The manner in which the feline obtains the input is also crucial, as emotions pertaining to motion or location are recalled way longer than data obtained purely by vision. Felines are far better at remembering anything they have experienced (for example, something connected to their behavior or location) than anything they have merely viewed.
What is long-term memory in a feline?
Long-term memory span is an essential knowledge that your feline recalls for a considerable time (perhaps eternally). This stuff isn’t as quickly approachable as a short attention span; however, it’s present and could be recalled if necessary.
Long-term recollection is essential for many creatures because it helps them escape the threat, recognize suitable regions for nutrition or prey, and stay out of problems overall.
The long-term memory of a feline is divided into two groups:
- Implicit memory – These are recollections that deal with activities that aren’t aware, like situations. Felines have implicit recollections of pursuing prey and cleaning themselves.
- Explicit memory – These are recollections that may be remembered voluntarily, like where the house is, whoever the feline’s masters are, and frightening veterinarian appointments.
How much can felines recall long-term memories?
The long-term recollection of a feline is unlimited. It’s tough to place a timeframe on this because numerous instances exist regarding feline remembering individuals and incidents years afterward they occurred.
Experiences that are particularly pleasant or negative are more likely to be recalled for a prolonged period, and the duration of the connection between the human and the feline could also influence how much the feline recalls the human since the last time they saw them.
A feline would not wander around recalling and reflecting on such long-term recollections; however, they would be likely to recall them whenever they encounter a similar human or creature (and recall if their recent meeting was positive or negative in their mind. If you provide your companion feline with lots of catnip and snacks, they will recognize you for a long time.
Spatial Memory
These are recollections of the way the organism moves or is positioned. Felines are excellent at memorizing and retrieving spatial information. That’s what enables them to determine whether to crawl up things and how much effort is required to leap to a specific level.
Whenever a feline discovers food, it uses spatial recollection to recall where it exists for several hours after discovering it, permitting it to revisit the exact area to feed later.

Visual Memory
These are recollections that are generated as a result of viewing something; popular instances include memorizing people’s faces or recalling places.
Felines don’t seem to be as excellent at recalling stuff depending only on sight.
In a 2006 research, scientists determined that felines’ short-term memory was restricted whenever it related to recalling the position of a material path.
The felines were given an item in the research, but it was discovered that their recollection of its position gradually dropped within 0 and 30 seconds, including delays of approximately 60 seconds.
This is most probably due to the fact that the felines did not engage with the item since it provided no meaning to them. Therefore, they had no incentive to remember it.
What do felines often recall?
What sort of situations are felines inclined to recall now that we know some small details more regarding the many sorts of recollections they possess? The recollections that remain the most are those that are related to important good or unpleasant occurrences; however, this varies from feline to feline and their consequent impact.
The following are some of the most prevalent recollections:
1. Owners
Cats recall people, particularly their masters and others with whom they spend long hours. Therefore more contact a human and a feline have, the more inclined the feline is to recall that the human utilizes long-term memory.
To provide some background, a feline is far better at remembering someone who serves them than someone who pays them affection sometimes whenever they visit.

Do cats recognize their owner’s face and voice?
2. Friends
Felines recognize other felines, but the amount of time they recall them is determined by the amount and intensity of the bond. Siblings would share odors to help babies identify each other if they become lost, and they employ this approach during their existence.
If your feline was raised with some other kitties and then met them after some years later, there seems to be a significant possibility they’ll recognize each other.
Do cats remember their mom and siblings?
3. Negative Experiences
If you own a stray feline with certain temperamental concerns, it might be the consequence of previous unpleasant experiences. Specific factors, like tall guys, blonde ladies, or many odors, irritate many felines.
Having responses to anything specific such as this one shows that the feline is facing recalls, which are occurrences that the feline links with anything terrible that occurred previously.
These abrupt behavior problems could provide information about your feline’s prior experiences and illustrate how quickly a feline recalls things.
4. Important places like where they reside
A Persian feline known as Howie, who’d been transported to a friend’s home 1,000 miles apart from his residence when his masters were on vacation, is an excellent demonstration of a feline recalling where they reside.
When the family returned, they were informed that Howie fled when they were absent. The incident was clearly upsetting for the parents, and regardless of their efforts, they could not locate Howie.
On the next occasion, they spotted Howie a year after he came suddenly to their doorway. Howie had gone a hundred kilometers to get home immediately!
How do cats remember their way home?
5. Food
Most felines, as we already understand, are avid eaters. A feline can remember where important nutrition supplies are including who feeds and cares for them.
They’ll recall where they obtain their nutrition, including a feline container or a pet feeding machine; therefore, they may go again and get more whenever needed.
Do felines miss their owner when they are away from home?
It’s tough to tell if a feline waits for you while you’re gone. Felines don’t appear to have the same kind of commitment to their masters as canines do, so as a result, they behave differently.
When canines return home, they demonstrate devotion by wiggling their tails and showing love to their owners; however, this is not in a feline’s personality.
While your feline has command over its tail, it is not used in the same way as a canine’s, and it will not wave to signify enjoyment! A feline is more prone to be irritated since you left initially. However, some kitties may show emotion by brushing around you (and possibly toppling you!) and welcoming you whenever you come.
It’s tough to tell how a feline feels; however, don’t let that get you down!
It’s difficult to determine if your feline misses you; however, that doesn’t indicate they aren’t happy to meet you back. Historical proof of masters’ long-term memory exists, including this tale about Chebon, the feline reconnecting with his master Robert after a seven-year separation.
There seem to be a lot of lovely tales of felines and their owners reconnecting, and these experiences show that felines have a lot of long-term recollections.

Do cats remember their master after being separated?
Do male cats remember their kittens?
Is memory loss possible in felines?
Since we’re on the subject of recollection, you might be worried that your feline will forget everything. Feline Intellectual Impairment, which impairs memory in senior felines, is a concern.
Roughly the same percentage of 11-14-year-old felines exhibit evidence of intellectual impairment, which could impact felines of all species and is prone to deteriorate with time. As a consequence, older felines typically require extra attention.
Symptoms of Cognitive Dysfunction
- Cognitive dissonance
- Extreme vocalization is a problem
- Unfocused activities
- Psychological abnormalities
- Sleeping habits have transformed
- Sliding more commonly
- Going to the toilet outside of the waste bin in the home
Bring your feline to the veterinarian for verification and testing if you’re concerned about memory problems.
Although mental impairment can be cured, its consequences may usually be controlled.
Other things to remember about your cat’s memory
It’s essential to keep in mind that felines might lose their memories when they’re aging or ill. They may not be hungry, or they may overlook using their trash bin. It’s not always a permanent adjustment in behavior. It may also have anything to deal with a feline’s memory.
So now you fully understand everything about a feline’s brain capacity, you may better comprehend what recollections they create. If you treat your feline well and provide excellent care early in their lives, they will recall it. If you foster an abused feline, it is unlikely that you will overlook its background. But, if you insist on continuing to be friendly to them, they may show a lot of affection and care towards you. They may get less scared as time passes.
Final Thought
Felines have the ability to remember things. They can remember equally short-term and long-term events. Some felines can recall events from their childhood, especially if they get 15 years old. It is simply some of the many reasons why you should constantly treat your feline respectfully.
You should also remember that your feline’s recollection would vary depending on various things. Your feline’s age, previous events, ways you manage them currently, how many hours you devote to activities with felines, and a variety of other factors will all impact their recall. These are certain activities you can do to assist your cat’s cognitive abilities to stay strong. If you have any concerns about your feline’s recall or cognitive abilities, you must consult a doctor as soon as possible. These problems might be the result of a health problem.