Spaying or neutering your cats is an important decision for most cat owners. These annual surgical treatments are not just to help limit feline overcrowding, but they would also assist your feline to live a better, healthier, and more fulfilling life by preventing physical and temperamental issues.
Do I really need to spay or neuter my cats? You may assist minimize the overcrowding of this feline society by spaying your feline. Spaying, on the other hand, also helps your feline to prevent sexual frustration when they get mature. Let’s see the pros and cons of spaying your pet.

What Is Spaying A Cat?
Spaying a feline associates with an ovariohysterectomy, or even the excision of parts of a female feline’s reproductive organs so she will not ever conceive and have babies. Spaying a feline is a professional treatment that only a medical specialist can execute correctly and effectively. Spaying a feline is a relatively simple medical treatment with a low risk of major health issues.
The mentioned techniques are used to spay a feline:
- Anti-anxiety (relaxing) and multifunctional sedation (pain) drugs.
- To keep you comfortable throughout the treatment, your doctor would use a general anesthetic.
- Throughout the surgical process, the accompanying veterinary staff examines your feline’s respiration and pulse rate, respiratory rate, cardiac output, anesthetic level, and general well-being.
- The oocytes, reproductive organs, and uterus are removed by a minor surgery in your feline’s belly.
- Stitches are used by your physician to stitch it up.
Your vet may also offer you post-operative guidelines. While spaying a feline may cause some difficulty immediately the following operation, your veterinarian would use several pain-relieving remedies. The procedures to guarantee your feline’s spaying operation rehabilitation is as secure and relaxed as possible are just like for neutering operations.
If you’re unsure whether or not to spay your feline, consult your doctor during your next appointment for assistance in selecting an educated and safe choice.
Why Should You Spay or Neuter Your Cat?
There are several compelling advantages to spaying your feline. According to American Humane, over 3.7 million pets are killed yearly in facilities due to a lack of motivated and competent adopters. Spaying and neutering your feline ensures that you will not increase felines to this amount and that none of your feline’s children will become a disastrous tragedy.
Remember that felines that are not spayed could be capable of reproducing and giving birth to up to 100 more kittens during her existence, along with the group of babies her non-spayed babies would ultimately produce, per the Feral Cat Foundation. This staggering amount may be avoided if you take the time to sterilize your feline.
When Should You Neuter A Cat?
It is advised to spay your feline between the ages of five and six months. Male felines could get sexually aware even before a period of six months in certain situations, which implies that delaying spaying a feline could result in an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, kittens are more tolerant of simple surgical operations than mature felines. As a result, having your feline spayed sooner rather than delaying the procedure reduces danger and allows her to heal faster. If you’re not certain when and how to spay your feline, talk to your doctor during your next appointment.
Should I let my cat have heat before I spay them?
It’s a fallacy that cats need be in heat or produce babies prior to getting spayed. There have been no real benefits to doing so, and spaying around the initial heat is a far simpler surgical operation. All of the advantages of spaying or neutering your cat once it enters adolescence are increased.
Is it OK to spay my cat when they are just a kitten?
Yes, provided if they’re a minimum of 8 weeks old and measure around 2 pounds. Spaying or neutering felines is generally acceptable. Those assumptions about having to delay will be out of date, and the facts contradict them. Timely spaying or neutering is recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Felines could go through heat quite early in their lives. They could have a baby as early as 6 months old and up to three pregnancies each year. Also, everyone who has ever been with a feline in heat knows how terrible it must be for owners. They start howling constantly and aggressively. They are eager to go. It has a significant impact on their conduct. As well as, every male feline in the area that hasn’t been sterilized would be spraying at your main entrance. The smell of feline spray would influence the entire home. It would be an absolute nightmare.
The Benefits of Spaying
Prevents Diseases
Female cats who are spayed before their first reproductive cycle (coming into “heat” or even being capable of reproducing) had a lower incidence of genital malignancy and no risk of pancreatic cancer. Spaying lowers your feline’s chances of breast cancer since eliminating the oocytes lowers the number of enzymes that drive the formation of malignant tumors.
Other disorders can occur as a consequence of natural feline activity while they breed. As per the research, domestic cat leukemia and pet AIDS remain major illnesses transmitted by sick cats biting other felines (these illnesses are not the same as human AIDS and leukemia; therefore, they will never be spread from felines to their owners). You may lower your feline’s risk of catching these terminal illnesses from other felines by lowering her desire to conflict over companions and habitat.
Reduces Fights
Hormones lead unspayed female felines to search for mates and protect their area against strangers. As a result, having 2 or more unspayed female felines in a single residence might be problematic. Fights are more likely to start out if unneutered male felines are near your house when female felines are in heat around. You may minimize your felines’ hostile impulses by sterilizing them.

Reduces Risk of Roaming
Whenever a female feline is in heat, their emotions and reflexes both tell her that she needs to seek a companion. Whether she’s your single feline, she’ll attempt to go out whenever you unlock the gates so she may locate another. Males, too, are influenced by testosterone and sexual impulse and would attempt to flee for the exact cause. Males and females are always in danger of getting hurt while crossing streets and roadways to bond outside. You can decrease your feline’s roaming by spaying her, and she’ll be content to remain in the secure, comfortable location close to you on the sofa.
Cleaner Home
To indicate their domain, male felines sprinkle pee on flat walls. While the intense stench of an unspayed feline’s urine warns other animals that the territory has been occupied by another man, it notifies female felines that he’s looking for his chance to reproduce with them. A house with a desexed male feline may be a nightmare. When a feline is neutered, the tendency to sprinkle is reduced or eliminated, and its fragrance is considerably softer when they do.
Whenever felines are in heat, they often discharge body secretions. These secretions also carry odors that signal males towards the presence of a mature female. You may avoid this situation by getting your female feline spayed.
What to Expect during Spaying?
The medical sterilizing process is performed with local anesthesia at a veterinarian’s clinic. Your veterinarian would discuss everything with you and offer you precise pre-and post-operative guidelines. Prepare to limit your feline for meals, drink the day before surgery and have your feline arrive at the veterinarian facility by a specific hour.
Your feline would be offered anesthesia before surgery so that it won’t suffer or be interested in what’s going on. A tiny cut is created on the ovaries of female felines, and the ovaries are extracted. Solubilized stitches or medical glue are used to seal the wound. Even if there are issues or unique considerations, female felines will normally be brought back the same night. If that’s the case, your doctor would let you know if you may bring home your female feline that evening.
The oocytes and/or reproductive tubes are removed from female felines through a bigger surgery. She’s frequently kept longer for surveillance as this is a wider opening in the uterine wall. Your feline will typically be able to come home the following morning.
Some veterinarians use a dome or Elizabethan choker, which is a funnel-shaped paper bag covering that goes all around the feline’s neck. Although the surgery wound heals, this prevents your cat from clawing, chewing, or petting it. The majority of felines do not require any further drugs or after-care. But, if your veterinarian prefers to examine your pet after the procedure, remember to take her to the hospital.
What happens during spaying surgery?
This procedure is frequently performed with little difficulty, but only certified veterinarians are permitted to do it. Your doctor may perform a comprehensive medical evaluation of your feline or obtain a blood specimen before the operation. Spaying is always done when your feline is administered a local anesthetic to reduce anxiety and suffering.

Your doctor would teach you ways to look for your feline while she recovers after surgery. Within several hours, the majority of felines are back to their normal state. The surgical area normally recovers in 2 weeks, as well as any epidermal sutures are eliminated during the next visit with your veterinarian.
Will my cat’s personality change after being spayed?
Spaying or sterilizing your feline is nearly impossible to modify its basic temperament, except for the previously described behavioral changes; however, male felines may get more gentle after neutering. Felines’ liveliness and overall levels of alertness, enthusiasm, and verbalization would not usually vary after a spay operation.
Will my cat gain weight after surgery?
Due to a reduction in strolling as well as other mating activity, both sterilized males and sterilized females get a propensity to put on weight. Excess weight, on the other hand, may be avoided with careful nutrition control and exercise. Male felines who are neutered before adolescence do not grow the massive head, and strong epidermis as unneutered males have.
When to operate and post-operative care?
Your doctor would be capable to determine precisely what the procedure entails, as well as when the optimum opportunity is to have it done. Spaying is usually done at 6 months of age. But, in recent years, there has been a lot of study on “young” spaying, but they now believe it is safe to spay kittens as young as eight weeks old.
- The operation includes the overall excision of the reproductive tract in female felines and the genitalia in males.
- There are other facilities and institutions that do spaying procedures on an elective procedure using Keyhole or Laparoscopy techniques and minimally surgical surgery.
- Fasting is required before the operation, as well as local anesthetic and confinement. But, healing from surgery is generally fast, and you can generally take your feline house with you the same night or the next morning.
- Post-surgical bleeding or hepatitis is uncommon but has possible risks.
- The healing process entails limiting activity all week, protecting the wound from pollutants, and evaluating the wound for irritation or leakage on a regular basis.
- The wound must be kept clean, and sutures are normally removed seven to ten days following surgery.
- Maintain your feline home for several nights and avoid allowing her to wander around too much to enable the injury to heal fully.
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Final Thought
The advantages of spaying a feline significantly exceed the advantages. Yes, bringing your feline friend in for treatment might be frightening; however, the hazards of undesired babies, fleeing outside, and falling into problems with other creatures outweigh the dangers of bringing your cat in for treatment. Consult your veterinarian about spaying your feline if you haven’t till now.